Bethesda is getting really serious about Fallout 4 mods, today launching the game's official modding tools--the Creation Kit--as well as a new hub where players can discover and download others users' creations. The post-apocalyptic RPG of course already has plenty of mods, but this is the first time Bethesda is releasing the Creation Kit, which is the same toolsuite that the developers use to build the game.
Using the Creation Kit, PC users will be able to tinker with basically anything they want, including quests, environments, characters, dialogue, outfits, and weapons.
"The life of Fallout 4 in your hands is going to take us all places none of us anticipated," Fallout 4 director Todd Howard said in an accompanying video released today.
In a blog post, Bethesda said its ambition for Fallout 4 modding was to make it "easier and more accessible than ever before" for creators and players alike. As you can see in the video, it looks relatively simple to upload mods to, while the mod library also appears to be pretty slick.
Another nice thing is that you can browse Fallout 4's mods and install them without leaving the game; a new "Mods" option will be available from Fallout 4's main menu. Additionally, Bethesda said it plans to "update and evolve" Fallout 4 modding in the future, encouraging people to leave feedback in theforums
Fallout 4's new mod functionality is available as part of the game's 1.5 update, which you can opt into by following the instructions laid out here.
Some of Fallout 4's PC mods will eventually be playable on console, starting with Xbox One. Supported mods will come to Microsoft's console in May, while PlayStation 4 players can expect them in June. It still remains to be seen how this will work on console, and Bethesda cautions that it still has "a lot to do yet" before mods get up and running.
For more on Fallout 4's Creation Kit, visit its Wiki page.

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